Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The film we watched in our first class left me with many more questions than it did answers. Most people would have watched film and asked, "What the heck did I just watch?" but instead, it left me questioning how the filmmakers created the images I was viewing. I enjoy viewing different artistic styles and genres of film because it opens my mind to knew ideas, and it helps to better appreciate film as an art form and not solely a form of entertainment. 

In one of my intro classes Andre introduced us to the art of film scratching. While watching the film I used my small amount of experience in film scratching to figure out how the artists achieved different images and patterns, but I was completely perplexed as to how the created most. Another thing my experience did was it helped me to appreciate the amount of effort the artists put in to make this film. Images would be visible for a few seconds at a time. This means the artists had to duplicate that same image on a butt ton of frames to make it visible for that long. The image of the overlapping of a man with bright colors and circles was most memorable to me because it eft me questioning if it was possible to overlap an image on celluloid film with images on clear film (I bet when i look at this post later as the class progresses I will laugh at how stupid that question just was). 

All in all, I'm glad that Andre showed us that film because it got it left my mind filled with questions, and it made me very excited for all the cool techniques I will learn and images I'll create. 

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